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Twinity Pause GANS

Twinity Pause GANS - Reserve for Water Dispenser

Due to professional development and gain in science and technology of new plasma, a mild steppingstone has been achieved in the recent month. In this development we have managed to be able to understand the process of conditions which create or lead to certain events in the life of a person, be it man or a woman.

Where in male part of life about or around 10-20 years after women, the body reaches the point of failure in making more of the same kind as their own or what we call children.

We call this in life of a woman menopause and in life of the man losing their ability to reach the possibility of raising the flag pole of their manhood.

In essence there is no difference in both processes for both genders.

In both cases, it is said that chemical composition of the body is to be blamed for.

In fact, these processes of reductions in reproduction part of the life have been created and initiated by both sexes over thousands of years due to the fact that, humans’ social life and ability to look after the next generation if they give life to a new birth would have been impossible or hard to see the newborn through to adulthood with all its needs and demands.

So, the psychological part of the brain of the human over thousands of years has created a condition that naturally humans cannot produce, or they lose the interest to reproduce in a natural and progressive way.

Menopause and men’s lack of physical ability to reproduce further offsprings has been initiated by psychology of the human in knowing his shortcoming of not being able to look after the new generation of him or herself if they pass a point in life, we call middle or old age.

Menopause and not being able to reproduce or having the flag-pole of the manhood of the man malfunctioning are all psychological conditions which manifest themselves in physical changes or functions of organs available to humans in old age. This is what we call psychosomatic cycle of life which has become a natural process of life.

In this part of life, one suffers subconsciously from all physical and emotional misbalancing of not reproducing and wanting to be active during these periods of change.

This is the reason that men and women go through pain and suffering knowing that they will not be reproductive.

This in present time is called effect of hormones change, but in fact it is psychological pain of knowing inside that the body has decided that we cannot be active or reproduce.

In understanding this and knowing the processing capabilities of human body, in the new science of plasma we have separated this and have managed to achieve a breakthrough in processing each section that addresses both physical and psychological conditions of the human dilemma of reproduction in old age.

In understanding these problems, Keshe Foundation has developed a technology to address these two processes separately and collectively in the body of the man or woman.

To this effect we are introducing two new products for trial to those who would like to test and report back to us the changes they see and how effective these two materials have been after testing.

For this reason, we offer two different materials as a pair set or twin set for men and women to create a process of physical and emotional condition in their body to see how much these can bring some of their psychological condition back to some kind of positive resolution for them.

Please note that these are not sex enhancement materials or increasing libido and cannot be taken as when needed.

This trial is to use the material every night before going to bed and in the morning when waking up. One applies on the genital area, the stomach, the lower back, the upper neck, and all around the head at the same time.

This process is designed to bring a long term, whole day and continuous process of change that can lead to resolution for what one sees as effect of this natural evolution.

Those who participate are advised do a testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone blood test before starting and after 90 days to report back to us these blood tests results or any changes in body or emotion, energy, sex drive, pain and discomfort, mood swing, physical awakening of organs connected with the reproduction area of the body of the participants.

We thank you for participating in these trials and I hope we learn to be able to change the course of suffering and loss of the most beautiful joy of being a human.

We call the material for men Twinity FlagPole GANS  and for women Twinity Pause GANS.

We hope the choice of the name brings smile to your face as in both, one loses his flag pole of confidence, and the other puts pause on being able to share the biggest gift to women in loving another being to share the physical body with.

In both cases we wish you a new cycle of joy.

Warning: As always said in teachings, with the new gain of joy, do be careful, take all precautions and do not make mistakes that with the new gift as grandma and grandpa you become new old age mum and dad.

Note: This product is released for testing purposes only. Every purchase is associated with signinig a test volunteering waiver.

€ 1000.00
(plus shipping & taxes)

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